Manufacturers of branded products

-- work in progress --

This is just my comment from Reddit, I may provide better summary later

I never heard about Aidi but both SGrow and Idea Light are popular and quality brands. Other one is E.shine systems.

You can watch for example Alex Fergus YouTube channel and look at the specific brands which are selling panels from these manufacturers.

Like here:

Note that they often use different manufacturer for their different panel "generation". That's why they often look completely different and are incompatible between different generations...

  • Block Blue Light = Idea Light
  • PlatinumLED = E.shine systems
  • Rojo = E.shine systems
  • Rouge = E.shine systems
  • Mito Red Light = Idea Light (previously also SGrow)
  • Hooga = idk now (previously SGrow and even before also Idea Light)
  • Mito Light = SGrow
  • Infraredi = idk now (previously Idea Light)
  • GembaRed = idk now (generally Idea Light)
  • Scienlodic = Sunglor

There are many other brands and manufacturers, but I don't want to analyze all of them.